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amulet is
amulet supporter
(Amulet Supporter)
The activities are supported by.

Month​ amountYou can get it from 500 yena
mulet supportr subscription.
For amulet supporters, activity reports and
We will bring you some special benefits that are not listed anywhere else.
Once updated, we will notify you by email.

​ Amulet has started, but I think there are still many things it needs to do.
However, for those who are grieving the loss of a loved one and are trying to move on,
We will continue to evolve every day so that we can deliver the best service that amulet can.

amulet supporter

princess cat illustration
hero cat illustration

・amulet hero plan

Individual plan for 500 yen per month.
​・Activity report

・amulet superhero plan

Individual plan for 1000 yen per month.
​・Activity report
​・Special content (manga, videos, blogs, etc.)

・Plan for companies

Corporate plan for 5,000 yen per month.
​・Activity report
​・Special content (manga, videos, blogs, etc.)
・List your company name on the website
​・NPO Airabu KYOTO event invitation

​ [Choco Let]

A little amulet from 500 yen per time​Support!

Untitled 37_20231027161927.png

​A little support!

Choco Let



Add new ideas and bring value back
Upcycled handmade items.

​amuletteethFmptyThis is one of the activities.

Parent and child illustration
Fmpty logo
  • Instagram

Please follow us on Instagram!

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